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Confiteret og på dåse opskrift: En lækker måde at bevare smagen

Duck Confit (& Simplified Fondant Potatoes) - Weird Stuff In A Can # 161

confiteret and på dåse opskrift

Confiteret and på dåse opskrift

Confitering af and betyder simpelthen at tilberede andekød i fedt. Denne teknik er en af de bedste måder at tilberede en and, da den bliver ekstremt saftig og mørt. Confiteret and på dåse opskrift er en let måde at tilberede en lækker ret hjemme i køkkenet.


– 1 and, ca. 2 kg.
– 2 spsk. groft salt
– 1 tsk. sort peber
– 1 tsk. tørret timian
– 2 fed hvidløg, hakket fint
– 2 fed laurbærblade
– 500 g andefedt


1. Start med at forberede anden ved at rense den og fjerne indmaden. Skyl den grundigt og tør den med køkkenrulle.
2. Bland salt, peber, timian og hvidløg sammen og gnid blandingen ind i anden både indvendigt og udvendigt. Læg laurbærbladene ind i hulrummet i anden.
3. Varm andefedtet i en stor gryde eller ovnfad, indtil det smelter helt. Tilsæt anden og sørg for, at den er fuldstændig dækket af fedtet.
4. Varm ovnen op til 120 grader Celsius.
5. Placer gryden eller ovnfadet med anden i ovnen og confiter den i ca. 3 timer.
6. Tag gryden eller ovnfadet ud af ovnen og fjern anden forsigtigt. Sil fedtet fra og gem det til senere.
7. Placer anden i en dåse og hæld det siede fedt på, indtil det dækker anden.
8. Opbevar anden i køleskabet i mindst en dag, så den kan trække smag og blive mere mørt.
9. Før servering, tænd ovnen på 200 grader Celsius. Tag anden ud af dåsen og læg den på en bageplade med et bagepapir. Bag den i ovnen i ca. 20 minutter, indtil den er sprød og varm.
10. Server straks og nyd.


1. Hvordan ved jeg, hvornår anden er klar?

For at sikre, at anden er tilberedt korrekt, skal den have en indre temperatur på mindst 70 grader Celsius. Du kan bruge et stegetermometer til at måle temperaturen.

2. Hvorfor confiterer man anden i fedt?

Confitering er en teknik, der tilføjer smag og gør kødet ekstra mørt og saftigt. Denne metode gør også, at du kan opbevare anden i længere tid, når den er confiteret i fedt.

3. Hvis jeg ikke har andefedt, kan jeg bruge noget andet fedt?

Du kan bruge smør eller olie i stedet for andefedt, men det vil ikke give den samme smag og tekstur.

4. Kan jeg confitere anden udelukkende i ovnen?

Ja, du kan confitere anden i en ovnsikker gryde og bage den i ovnen ved 120 grader Celsius i ca. 3 timer. Sørg for, at anden er fuldstændig dækket af fedtet.

5. Hvor længe kan jeg opbevare confiteret and i køleskabet?

Confiteret and kan opbevares i køleskabet i op til 2 uger i det siede fedt.

6. Hvad kan jeg servere med confiteret and?

Confiteret and er lækker med en rødkålssalat, kartoffelgratin eller en frisk grøn salat. Server også en lækker sauce med andefedtet for en fuldendt smagsoplevelse.

7. Kan jeg fryse confiteret and?

Ja, du kan fryse confiteret and i op til 3 måneder. Sørg for at opbevare den i det siede fedt og optø den i køleskabet, inden du opvarmer den.


Confiteret and på dåse opskrift er en let måde at tilberede en lækker og saftig ret i dit eget køkken. Denne teknik garanterer en smagfuld, mørt og saftigt andekød. Det er en perfekt måde at imponere dine gæster eller forkæle din familie i weekenderne. Følg opskriften og nyd!

Søgeord søgt af brugere: confiteret and på dåse meny, confiteret and på dåse sovs, confiteret and i ovn, confiteret and sommer, mad med confiteret and, confiteret and tilbehør, confiteret and på dåse grill, confiteret and med råstegte kartofler

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Duck Confit (& Simplified Fondant Potatoes) – Weird Stuff In A Can # 161

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Duck Confit (& Simplified Fondant Potatoes) - Weird Stuff In A Can # 161
Duck Confit (& Simplified Fondant Potatoes) – Weird Stuff In A Can # 161

confiteret and på dåse meny

Confiteret and På Dåse Meny: The Traditional Danish Canned Goods

Denmark is known for its rich culinary history and unique gastronomy. One of the most traditional foods in the Danish cuisine is confiteret and på dåse, literally translated as “candied and canned” in English. These foods have been a part of Danish households for generations and have now become an integral part of Danish culture. In this article, we will explore the history, preparation, and common uses of confiteret and på dåse in Denmark.

What is Confiteret?

Confiteret is a traditional Danish term for candied fruits or vegetables. The word confiteret is derived from the Latin word conficere, which means to prepare or make. The process of confitering involves boiling fruits or vegetables in sugar syrup until the syrup has been absorbed and the fruits or vegetables become candied. The confiteret fruits or vegetables are then stored in sterilized jars or cans for later use.

The most common fruits and vegetables used for confitering in Denmark are cherries, plums, apricots, pears, and figs. These fruits are typically harvested in late summer and early autumn when they are at their peak ripeness. They are washed, pitted or chopped, and then boiled in sugar syrup. The sugar syrup used for confitering contains a high concentration of sugar and is usually flavored with cinnamon or other spices to enhance the taste.

What is På Dåse?

På dåse is a Danish term that literally translates to “in a can” in English. The term is used to refer to a variety of foods that are preserved in cans, including meats, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Canning is a process of preserving food by heating it to a high temperature in a hermetically sealed container. The high temperature kills the bacteria and other microorganisms that cause spoilage, preserving the food for an extended period.

Canning was introduced to Denmark in the late 1800s and quickly gained popularity among the Danish population. Canned foods were easy to store, transport, and cook, making them a convenient option for households, especially in rural areas. Over the years, the Danish canned food industry has grown significantly, producing a wide range of canned products for domestic and international markets.

The most common types of på dåse in Denmark include canned fish, such as herring, mackerel, and tuna. Canned vegetables, including peas, beans, and carrots, are also popular. Other canned foods include various kinds of meat, such as sausages, pâté, and ham. Canned fruits, such as peaches, pineapples, and oranges, are also available in Danish supermarkets.

Confiteret and På Dåse Meny: Common Uses

Confiteret and på dåse are versatile foods with a wide range of uses in Danish cuisine. Confiteret fruits and vegetables are commonly used as toppings and fillings for pastries, cakes, and pancakes. They are also commonly used in hot or cold desserts, such as fruit salads and ice creams. Confiteret fruits are also used as a garnish for cocktails and mocktails.

På dåse foods are typically used as ingredients in various hot and cold dishes, such as soups, stews, and casseroles. They are also commonly used in sandwiches and salads, adding flavor and texture to the dishes. Canned fish is a common ingredient in Danish smørrebrød, open-faced sandwiches, which are typically served for lunch.

Confiteret and På Dåse Meny: FAQs

What is the shelf life of confiteret and på dåse?

Confiteret fruits and vegetables can last for several months to a year when stored properly in sterilized jars or cans. The shelf life of på dåse foods varies depending on the type of food and the preservation method used. Canned goods typically have a shelf life of 2 to 5 years, depending on the storage conditions.

How should confiteret and på dåse be stored?

Confiteret fruits and vegetables should be stored in sterilized jars or cans and kept in a cool and dry place. The jars or cans should be sealed tightly to prevent air from entering, which can cause spoilage. På dåse foods should be stored in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. They should be kept in their original packaging until they are opened.

Are confiteret and på dåse healthy foods?

Confiteret fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of sugar, which can be unhealthy if consumed in excess. They are best consumed in moderation as a treat or garnish. På dåse foods can be healthy if consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Canned vegetables, for example, are a good source of dietary fiber and vitamins, while canned fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Are confiteret and på dåse sustainable foods?

Confiteret and på dåse foods can be sustainable if produced using sustainable practices and sourced from local and organic farms. However, the canning process can be energy-intensive and contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Consumers can make sustainable choices by choosing products with minimal packaging and opting for reusable jars and cans.

In conclusion, confiteret and på dåse are traditional Danish foods that have been a part of Danish cuisine for generations. They are versatile and convenient foods that have become an integral part of Danish culture. While they may not be the healthiest or most sustainable food options, they can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. So, the next time you visit Denmark, make sure to try some confiteret and på dåse, and discover the unique taste of these traditional Danish canned goods.

confiteret and på dåse sovs

Confiteret and På Dåse Sovs

Danish cuisine is diverse and delicious, ranging from classic pastries to hearty stews. Two dishes that are particularly popular in Denmark are confiteret and på dåse sovs. Confiteret, which means “confit” in French, is a method of cooking meat slowly in fat to create a tender and flavorful dish. På dåse sovs, on the other hand, translates to “sauce in a can” and is a convenient way to add flavor to any meal. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into both confiteret and på dåse sovs and explore their history, preparation, and usage.


The confit method of cooking dates back to ancient times when people used fat to preserve meat for long periods of time. In French cuisine, confit is typically made with duck or goose that is slowly cooked in its own fat until it becomes tender and flavorful. In Denmark, however, pork confit is a popular dish served at Christmas and other special occasions.

To prepare confiteret pork, the meat is first marinated with salt, pepper, and other spices for several hours. It is then cooked in a low-temperature oven or on the stovetop in pork lard or other rendered fat until it is tender and falling off the bone. The confit pork can be served on its own or used in other dishes like cassoulet, stews, and salads.

In recent years, some Danish chefs have started experimenting with non-traditional confit dishes, such as confit chicken, lamb, and even vegetables like carrots and onions. These dishes are often served in high-end restaurants as a way to showcase the chef’s creativity and skill.

På Dåse Sovs

In Danish cuisine, på dåse sovs is a ubiquitous product that can be found in most supermarkets and grocery stores. The sauce comes in a can and is typically used to add flavor to meat dishes, such as meatballs, sausages, and roasts. The most popular flavors of på dåse sovs include brown sauce, mushroom sauce, and gravy.

The concept of putting sauce in a can is not unique to Denmark, as other countries like Sweden and Finland also have similar products. However, in Denmark, på dåse sovs is a staple of the country’s culinary landscape and is a convenient way to add flavor to meals without having to make the sauce from scratch.

Preparing dishes with på dåse sovs is quite easy. Simply cook the meat according to the recipe, then pour the sauce into a pot and heat it up. Once the sauce is hot, pour it over the meat and serve. Some people also add vegetables or herbs to the sauce for added flavor.


Q: What meat is traditionally used for confit in Denmark?
A: Pork is the most common meat used for confit in Denmark, particularly for festive occasions like Christmas. However, some chefs have started experimenting with other types of meat like chicken, lamb, and vegetables.

Q: How is confit pork cooked?
A: To prepare confit pork, the meat is first marinated with salt, pepper, and other spices for several hours. It is then cooked in a low-temperature oven or on the stovetop in pork lard or other rendered fat until it is tender and falling off the bone.

Q: What are the most popular flavors of på dåse sovs?
A: The most popular flavors of på dåse sovs in Denmark include brown sauce, mushroom sauce, and gravy.

Q: How do you use på dåse sovs?
A: Pour the sauce into a pot and heat it up, then pour it over the meat and serve. Some people also add vegetables or herbs to the sauce for added flavor.

Q: Can you make confit with other types of meat besides pork?
A: Yes, some chefs have started experimenting with other types of meat like chicken, lamb, and vegetables.

Q: Is på dåse sovs unique to Denmark?
A: No, other countries like Sweden and Finland also have similar products. However, in Denmark, på dåse sovs is a staple of the country’s culinary landscape.


Confiteret and på dåse sovs are two of the most popular dishes in Danish cuisine. Confiteret pork is a tender and flavorful dish that is usually served at Christmas and other special occasions. På dåse sovs, on the other hand, is a sauce that comes in a can and is used to add flavor to meat dishes. Both dishes are easy to prepare and offer a taste of Denmark’s culinary heritage.

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