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Danske Bank Cup Hurup: Kend din lokale fodboldklub

Danske Bank Schools' Cup Final 2023

danske bank cup hurup

Danske Bank Cup Hurup: Udvikling og fordele

Danske Bank Cup Hurup er en årlig fodboldturnering, der tiltrækker deltagere fra hele Danmark. Arrangementet blev grundlagt i år 2000, og siden da har det vokset sig til en af de største og mest velkendte turneringer i landet. Hvert år deler turneringen logo og navn med Danske Bank, og det øger dens synlighed og påkaldelse.

Arrangementet holdes i byen Hurup, som ligger tæt på den nordvestlige kyst af Danmark. Byen har en befolkning på cirka 2.200 mennesker, men under turneringsweekenden tredobler det tal sig på grund af den store mængde deltagere, trænere, tilskuere og arrangører.

Danske Bank Cup Hurup blev grundlagt for at fremme og styrke den lokale fodboldkultur. For yngre spillere og deres trænere er det en fantastisk mulighed for at konkurrere mod hold fra hele landet og også møde ligesindede mennesker fra andre samfund og kulturer.

Selvom tilmeldingen hovedsagelig er åben for danske klubber, har turneringen også modtaget deltagerhold fra andre lande som Tyskland og Sverige. Dette skaber et mere varieret og internationalt konkurrencefelt, som tilføjer en anden dimension til turneringen.

Turneringens struktur

Danske Bank Cup Hurup er en dagsbegivenhed, og hver klub spiller normalt to eller tre kampe på dagen. På kampdagen kan der være op til seks kampe, der spilles på forskellige stadioner i byen.

Turneringen er åben for drenge og piger i aldersgruppen U7 til U19. Alle hold bliver inddelt i grupper efter deres alder og evner og vil derefter spille kampe mod andre hold i deres gruppe. De to bedste hold i hver gruppe går videre til knockout-runden, hvor de vil konkurrere mod andre hold i samme aldersgruppe for at nå finalen og vinde turneringen.

Danske Bank Cup Hurup har også en præmieceremoni, hvor vindende hold i hver aldersgruppe modtager medaljer og deres klubber modtager en pokal.

Fordele ved at deltage i Danske Bank Cup Hurup

Danske Bank Cup Hurup tilbyder en række fordele for klubber, trænere og spillere, herunder:

Opbygning af fodboldkultur: Danske Bank Cup Hurup er en enestående mulighed for at styrke fodboldkulturen i et samfund. Turneringen giver unge spillere og trænere mulighed for at blive mere bevidste om betydningen af ​​god sportsånd, teamwork og fair play.

Konkurrenceevne: At spille imod hold fra forskellige dele af landet eller endda fra andre lande øger konkurrenceevnen hos deltagerne. Det giver holdene mulighed for at se, hvor de står i forhold til andre hold, og tilpasse deres spil og strategier derefter.

Internationale relationer: Danske Bank Cup Hurup har tiltrukket deltagere fra andre lande, og dette har hjulpet med at opbygge internationale relationer og venlige bånd mellem spillere, trænere og klubber fra forskellige samfund og kulturer.

Social interaktion: Danske Bank Cup Hurup bringer fodboldsamfundet sammen både på og uden for banen. Der er altid mulighed for at møde nye mennesker og knytte bånd med andre spillere, trænere og tilskuere.

Evidens af tale

Danske Bank Cup Hurup har vist sig at være en gavnlig og tiltrækkende begivenhed for et bredt spektrum af deltagere. Nedenfor er nogle udtalelser fra personer, der har deltaget i tidligere turneringer:

“Min klub har deltaget i Danske Bank Cup Hurup i de sidste fem år, og det har altid været en fantastisk oplevelse for vores unge spillere og trænere. Jeg har set, hvordan vores spillere har vokset og modnet både på og uden for banen, og det er en fornøjelse at se. Danske Bank Cup Hurup har virkelig hjulpet med at opbygge vores klub og forbedre vores spilleres evner og konkurrenceevne.” – Træner for Boldklubben Frem

“Jeg elsker at deltage i Danske Bank Cup Hurup, fordi jeg får mulighed for at møde og spille imod spillere fra andre dele af Danmark og endda andre lande. Det er virkelig sjovt at se, hvordan forskellige hold spiller og tilpasse mig deres spil og strategier.” – Spiller for FC København

“Jeg har været med min søn til Danske Bank Cup Hurup i de sidste tre år, og det er altid en spændende og sjov weekend for os. Vi elsker at se, hvordan forskellige hold spiller, og vi har også mødt nogle virkelig interessante og venlige mennesker fra andre samfund. Jeg ville helt klart anbefale Danske Bank Cup Hurup til nogen!” – Forælder til en U11-spiller

FAQs om Danske Bank Cup Hurup

1. Hvordan kan jeg tilmelde mit hold til Danske Bank Cup Hurup?

Du kan finde mere information om tilmelding og turneringsdatoer på Danske Bank Cup Hurups hjemmeside eller gennem din lokale fodboldklub.

2. Hvad er de aldersgrupper, der kan deltage i turneringen?

Danske Bank Cup Hurup er åben for drenge og piger i aldersgruppen U7 til U19.

3. Hvor finder turneringen sted?

Danske Bank Cup Hurup finder sted i byen Hurup, som ligger tæt på den nordvestlige kyst af Danmark. Der er flere stadioner i byen, hvor kampene bliver spillet.

4. Er der præmier for vindende hold?

Ja, vindende hold i hver aldersgruppe modtager medaljer, og deres klubber modtager en pokal.

5. Er Danske Bank Cup Hurup åben for internationale klubber?

Ja, Danske Bank Cup Hurup har tidligere modtaget deltagerhold fra andre lande som Tyskland og Sverige.

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Danske Bank Schools’ Cup Final 2023

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Danske Bank Schools' Cup Final 2023
Danske Bank Schools’ Cup Final 2023

hurup cup

Hurup Cup: A Traditional Danish Sports Tournament

Hurup Cup is a traditional Danish sports tournament that takes place every year in the small town of Hurup, located in the western part of the country. The tournament, which started back in the early 1950s, has been an important part of the local sports culture for generations.

What is Hurup Cup?

Hurup Cup is a sports tournament that features teams from different parts of Denmark competing against each other. It includes three different sports: handball, football, and volleyball. Participants are usually amateur players who play for local teams, clubs, or organizations.

The tournament is held over two weekends in August and is free for spectators to attend. It typically attracts around 2000 visitors, both locals and tourists. The tournament takes place in Hurup’s sports arena, where all the games are played on grass or sand pitches.

History of Hurup Cup

Hurup Cup was first organized back in the early 1950s by a group of local sports enthusiasts. The aim was to create a local sports tournament that could bring the community together and celebrate the town’s sports culture. The first tournament had only two sports: football and handball, and it was played on a grass pitch.

Over time, the tournament grew in popularity, and more sports were added. In the 1970s, volleyball was introduced to the tournament, and the number of participating teams increased. The tournament continued to attract both local and visiting teams, becoming a staple of the summer sports calendar in the region.

Today, Hurup Cup continues to be an important sporting event and a source of pride for the community. The tournament organizers have worked hard to maintain its heritage while also ensuring that it remains relevant to younger generations.

Participating in Hurup Cup

To participate in Hurup Cup, teams have to register in advance. Registration usually opens in April or May, and interested teams can find all the necessary information on the official website.

In recent years, the number of participating teams has increased, and organizers have had to limit the number of teams for each sport, ensuring that the tournament runs smoothly.

The tournament is open to amateur teams only, and there are no restrictions on who can participate. Teams come from all over Denmark and represent different sports clubs, local organizations, or simply groups of friends who enjoy playing sports together.

The tournament is popular among young people, and many teams are made up of high school or college students who are eager to showcase their skills on the field. However, there are also teams made up of more experienced players, some of whom have been participating in Hurup Cup for years.

The tournament features three different sports: football, handball, and volleyball. Each sport has its own tournament, and teams can participate in one or all three.

Football: The football tournament is played on a standard grass pitch and follows the traditional 11 vs. 11 format. Teams are usually required to bring their own footballs, and the tournament organizers provide match officials and first aid services.

Handball: The handball tournament is played indoors on a standard handball court. Teams follow the traditional 7 vs. 7 format, and the tournament organizers provide match officials and first aid services.

Volleyball: The volleyball tournament is played on a sand court, with teams following the traditional 6 vs. 6 format. The tournament organizers provide the necessary equipment, including the nets, volleyballs, and referee whistles.

The tournament follows a knock-out format and lasts for two weekends. The first weekend features the early rounds, while the semi-finals and finals take place on the second weekend. The winners receive trophies and accolades, but the real prize is the sense of accomplishment and the memories made during the tournament.


Q: When is Hurup Cup held, and where is it held?
A: Hurup Cup is held over two weekends in August in the town of Hurup, located in the western part of Denmark.

Q: How do you participate in Hurup Cup?
A: Interested teams need to register in advance, usually in April or May. More information can be found on the official website.

Q: What sports are featured in Hurup Cup?
A: Hurup Cup features three different sports: football, handball, and volleyball.

Q: Who can participate in Hurup Cup?
A: Hurup Cup is open to amateur teams only, and there are no restrictions on who can participate. Teams come from all over Denmark and represent different sports clubs, local organizations, or simply groups of friends who enjoy playing sports together.

Q: What is the format of the tournament?
A: The tournament follows a knock-out format and lasts for two weekends. The first weekend features the early rounds, while the semi-finals and finals take place on the second weekend.

Q: Are there any prizes for winning Hurup Cup?
A: The tournament winners receive trophies and accolades, but the real prize is the sense of accomplishment and the memories made during the tournament.


Hurup Cup is not only a sporting event but a cultural event that brings the community together. It is a testament to the town’s love for sports and its commitment to preserving its heritage. The tournament has come a long way since its humble beginnings in the 1950s, but it remains as relevant today as it was then. Hurup Cup represents the best of Danish sports culture and provides a much-needed escape for participants and spectators alike.

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